The Facilitators
We invite you to gain in-depth understanding from leading experts on the application of state-of-the-art proteomic technologies to your life-sciences research. Further academic and facility facilitators TBC.
Prof Brian Searle
Brian is an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University Medical Center in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, and a co-founder of Proteome Software. His current research focuses on making and validating peptide and protein detections with tandem mass spectrometry and statistically assessing the quality of quantitative proteomics data.
PD Dr Ute Distler
A research associate at the Institute for Immunology, Mainz University, Ute manages the core facility for mass spectrometry with a research focus on developing, optimising and applying methods for quantitative proteome analysis. Ute’s has research interests in method development for DIA-based proteomics, neuroproteomics, and interactomics.
Dr Stefanie Hauck
Stefanie is head of the core facility for metabolomics and proteomics at Helmholtz Munich, prior to which she was head of the Research Unit Protein Science at the same institution. Since 2020, Stefanie leads Helmholtz Munich’s CF-MPC providing cutting-edge mass-spectrometry as well as targeted, affinity-based methods, technologies and data analysis for proteomics and metabolomics. Stefanie has recently been elected as President of the Board of the German society for Proteome Research (DGPF)
Dr Mariette Matondo
Mariette has been the manager of the Pasteur Proteomics facility since September 2013 and is responsible for the operations of the proteomics platform and the coordination of their projects. As the manager of a proteomics facility Mariette has a wide range of expertise. She studied towards her PhD in the lab of Bernard Monsarrat and Odile Schiltz at the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS, University Paul Sabatier). As part of her PhD work, she used high-resolution mass spectrometers, in combination with various quantitative proteomic approaches.
Prof Lars Juhl Jensen
Professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen and a founder and scientific advisor of the company ZS Intomics. Prof Jensen has developed methods for protein function prediction, visualization of microbial genomes, pattern recognition in promoter regions, and microarray analysis. More recently he has implemented tools for text mining, integration of omics data, and network analysis.
Prof Jesper V Olsen
Prof Kathryn Lilley
The Lilley Group focuses on the development and application of technologies which enable the measurement of the dynamic proteome in space and time in cells in a high-throughput manner. More specifically, we are interested in looking at the changes in abundance, location, interacting partners, post-translational modification status and structure of proteins during dynamic cellular processes such as differentiation. We also develop methods to determine the subcellular distribution of the transcriptome and how this changes upon perturbation, and the complement of proteins that form dynamic ribonuclear complexes.
Devon Kohler
Devon Kohler is a doctoral student at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, advised by Olga Vitek. His doctoral research focuses on computational methods for biological systems, including causal machine learning and statistical inference to detect and quantify differential post-translational modifications, and the probabilistic programming of biochemical systems.
Dr Renã Robinson
The RASR Laboratory based at Vanderbilt University uses proteomics to further the understanding of aging and age-related diseases, with a particluar interest in the molecular basis for ethnic and racial disparaties in aging. The lab specializes in developing novel high-throughput applications for analyzing complex biological tissues, increasing sample multipexing capabilities, and studying oxidate post-translational modifications. The also have an interest in high-throughput lipidomics methods for human biofluids.
Dr Stoyan Stoychev
Stoyan is a Senior Scientist at Evosep. Evosep aims to improve the throughput of liquid chromatography to enable clinical proteomics applications. Through collaborations with world-leading scientists we work to develop new technologies and solutions to make sample separation 10 times faster and 100 times more robust than todays’ alternatives.
Dr Valeriia Kuzyk
Valeria is a field application scientist at Bruker Daltonics specialising in timsTOF Pro instruments. Early stage researcher in BioAnalytical chemistry specialising in glycobiology, proteomics and biomarker research. Motivated by bringing science into a tangible industrial product.
Dr Monika Puchalska
Monika is likely to be your first scientific consultant at Biognosys. Monika knows our software solutions through and through and specializes in training and coaching scientists to implement industry-best practices for analyzing proteomics data.
Dr Nicolai Bache
Nicolai is the VP Proteomics Research at Evosep, over the last 10 years has been working with several leading scientists in the proteomics community on developing new technologies. Nicolai is the principal investigator and leads the application and technology development team.